Our e-Learning Programs:
Preserving Evidence Integrity at Crime and Death Scenes
Our continuing education programs consist of a comprehensive 20 CEU course, 5 CEU subset courses of specific areas of interest, or 38 individual modules each with 1/2 to 1 CEU per module. All CAPCE certified Continuing Education Units (CEUs) can be applied to your national and state recertification requirements, depending on the course completed. These programs extend to all First Responders who have a vested interest in maintaining the integrity of crime and death scene evidence.
AICSI Guidelines
A series of guidelines for First Responders for use to maintain the integrity of crime scenes, possible crime scenes and scenes involving unattended deaths.
AICSI Learning Programs
Online learning programs consisting of up to 38 e-learning modules worth from 5 to 20 total Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
Register now to get started and learn how to maintain the integrity of crime and death scene evidence.

Be a Part of Our Movement
The goal of American Institute of Crime Scene Integrity is to provide the information and education to make all first responders part of the movement that ensures the integrity of all crime and death scene evidence.
Preserving Evidence Integrity at Crime and Death Scenes is a series of guidelines for first responding agencies (Police, Fire and EMS) for use to maintain the integrity of crime scenes, possible crime scenes and scenes involving unattended deaths. This program covers topics such as: Postmortem Interval, Declaration of Death, Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death, Evidence Preservation, Active Shooter Scenes…and more!!
The American Institute of Crime Scene Integrity
Programs Options
Overall Program: (20 CAPCE accredited CEUs)
Preserving Evidence Integrity at Crime and Death Scenes
All course codes in the list below are applicable.
Subset Programs: (5 CAPCE accredited CEUs)
Crime and Death Scenes:
Declaration of Death and Other Consideration for the First Responder
The following course codes in the list below are applicable: PMI 1-5, AICSI 1, 5-7, 30 -
Crime and Death Scenes:
Scene Management for the First Responder
The following course codes in the list below are applicable: AICSI 1-3, 10, 16-20, 23 -
Crime and Death Scenes:
Special Scenes/Considerations for the First Responder
The following course codes in the list below are applicable: AICSI 1, 11-15, 21, 22, 28, 29 -
Crime and Death Scenes:
Legal Considerations for the First Responder
The following course codes in the list below are applicable: AICSI 1, 8, 9, 24-27, 31-33
Individual Programs: (From 1/2 to 1 CAPCE accredited CEU)
PMI-1 Introduction of Postmortem Interval
PMI-2 The Changes in the Body After Death
PMI-3 The Mortises
PMI-4 Other Noticeable Signs of Death
PMI-5 Declaration of Death
AICSI-1 General Provisions
AICSI-2 Definitions
AICSI-3 Conduct of the First Responder
AICSI-4 Scene Safety on a Crime Scene
AICSI-5 Victim Resuscitation
AICSI-6 Declaration of Death
AICSI-7 Do Not Resuscitate Orders
AICSI-8 Medical-legal Considerations
AICSI-9 Evidence Preservation
AICSI-10 Motor Vehicle Collision Scenes
AICSI-11 Suicide Scenes
AICSI-12 Sudden Unexplained Infant Death
AICSI-13 Drug Overdose Scenes
AICSI-14 Sexual Assault Scenes
AICSI-15 Mandatory Reporting
AICSI-16 Mass Casualty Scenes
AICSI-17 Active Shooter Scenes
AICSI-18 Fire Scenes
AICSI-19 Public Transportation Accident Scenes
AICSI-20 Military Accident Scenes
AICSI-21 Secondary Crime Scene – Hospital
AICSI-22 Secondary Crime Scene – Ambulance
AICSI-23 Evidence Chain of Custody
AICSI-24 Consent for Evaluation and Treatment
AICSI-25 Patient Privacy and Confidentiality
AICSI-26 Photography on the Scene of a Crime
AICSI-27 Legal Blood Draw
AICSI-28 Interacting with Next of Kin
AICSI-29 The Wellbeing of the First Responder
AICSI-30 Documentation
AICSI-31 Public Records Request
AICSI-32 Information Request by Subpoena
AICSI-33 Deposition and Court Appearances